What makes you happy should make you money. I will let you debate that for a while…

What makes you money is a means to an end — happiness is the symptom of doing what you love, what allows more freedom, and more autonomy over your decisions. 

Happiness is my employer. I work for happiness, and happiness pays my bills. Happiness wakes me up at 4AM and tells me it is time to serve those in front of you and build champions.

You are not happy because you are not fulfilled. Even when you have money and stability, the lack of fulfillment belongs to the individual driving the wrong vehicle to get there. SO, in conclusion — we must find a way to monetize what we are passionate about, what we love, and what we enjoy. This ensures that the journey to riches is filled with rich experiences that compound into wealth. 

When you set goals for yourself, make sure that they matter. DO NOT set a goal for something you don’t genuinely want or want to do. Set goals that inspire you and fuel you, and once you have started the fire and gained momentum through reaching primary goals, we will just stoke the fire and build on what already is. 

The objective is to win small to win big, going one notch higher than what we know we can, and most importantly, be consistent. 

The takeaways: 

  • You work for happiness, not money.

  • Set goals that excite you.

  • Tell someone (someone’s) about your plans!


Quit. If only it was so easy.


Is a daily routine important?